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Location: MESA, Arizona, United States

We are currently serving as Stewardship Development Representatives for NEW TRIBES MISSION. We have the privilege of promoting and recruiting for the Training program as well as the needs and ministries of NTM worldwide. Crystal continues as editor-in chief of the Reach Up magazine.We are still on "donation support" financially with the Mission, so thanks for praying.

Friday, November 06, 2009


1. Today around 3pm, the docs deemed our little CFVHWP (Cape Fear Valley Hospital Warrior Princess) healthy & stable enough to be “downgraded” to a normal hospital room! Thank You, Lord!

2.2. Now…Elena “only” has two remaining tubes! Her feeding tube that’s routed up through her nose & down her throat and an IV line going into one of the veins in her leg! God-willing the feeding tube is coming out tomorrow (Fri, 11.6.09)! Anyone ever have something stuck up their nose and enjoyed it?!? Just the thought of all those little teeny incredibly sensitive nose hairs violated by some mean, cold, plastic, non-caring feeding tube just makes me shiver. Every time she moves, it moves. Yeah, so she’s not really down with it a whole lot. That’s why Elena and her parents are so jacked that it’s coming out tomorrow.

3.3. Elena had a really good day today. Overall, she’s still pretty mellow. She did say a few very softly spoken words throughout the day. She smiled a few times and even got a couple little giggles out of her. Those are all very good things, of course. And, yes, she still has her “prejudice” of medical-looking people. If they look medical, she gets really quite, really quick. And, again…the closer they get, the more that ‘quiet’ turns into a multi-tiered expose’ of aqua-emotions. First…the silent whimper…then the transition to the whimpering whimper…then with a few hefty inhalations of plenty of O2 in the large O2 storage bags in the chest, it eventually crescendos into a good all-out sob (& I don’t mean the car!).

4.4. She ate some solid food today, too! Well…if you consider warm mushy oatmeal ‘solid’. Anyway…we do! It’s sure better than that white, room temperature, liquid, meal-in-a-bag that hangs so intimidatingly above her head on the gizmo coat rack thing by her bird-cage crib. She also let me feed her tiny pieces of bread, too. She’s able to chew very slowly & thoroughly. We just wanted to make sure she’s able to open, chew & swallow food down the correct pipe before we take her off the feeding tube. So, according to her very medically savvy father, Dr. Gibbens…I say she’s good to go!

5.5. We attempted to get her to stand on her own, today, too. That looked more like a little sack of potatoes balancing ever so delicately between a 2-foot pair of wooden stilts…she was a little wobbly, but we know that will come along w/time & practice.

6.6. Abuela (“Grandma” for you Gringos) did a great job at activating the small lymph node in her body known as the “giggle box”. She had Elena doing the ever-so-slightest giggles that she could muster in her toddler frame. I swear that sound is better than Bach or Beethoven ever was…there’s just something magical in a child’s giggle. It’s almost like a child’s giggle is the stuff DNA is made out of. Like if you could capture the essence of a ‘giggle’ in a test tube and injected it into anything dead, it would immediately cause the dead thing to come alive & start to pulse & surge with life! A giggle is almost like an emotional steroid shot to the brain. There’s power in a ‘giggle’. Moms…can I get a witness out there?!? You know what I’m talking about!

7.7. Kath, on the other hand, had Elena back in the blue jumbo bumbo physical therapy seat & was getting her back into great mental shape! Kath is such an awesome teacher. She is one of the few people who can actually make learning fun. Yeah, can you believe it? Kath went through a number of sets of Elena’s Glenn Doman Learning Cards throughout the day (as seen in some of the pics on Facebook). Elena loves going through them. Her eyes light up when Mommy says, “Elena, do you want to do your cards?!?” She gets all excited. Well, as excited as a mellow kids on drugs can get. The huge blessing is that in spite of the meds, she’s still sharp as a tack, too. Thank God! Elena still recognized all the cards that Kath had done before coming to the hospital, and she still picked up the new cards as fast as she had before. She just did it with a little less vigor & enthusiasm due to the still pertinent meds she’s on.

8.8. Again, thank you all SO much for your continued prayers for Daylen & Elena! I’d like to add a 6-yr old little boy named ‘Nate’ to the vast army of prayer warriors out there as well. I know we’re all up for it! He’s got a new kidney that needs to start working to its max potential & he needs to heal up from pneumonia as well. So, Daylen, Elena & Nate…all young troopers that all need to come out of this & do great things with their lives!

9.9. I sincerely appreciate how dedicated you all have been in supporting us through this time of learning & growing, which is the nice way of really saying, “struggling, wobbling, crying, questioning & hoping”! Thank you! I pray that one day I will be able to sow back into the lives of everyone praying for these beautiful kids to add value to you as you all have to us!

10. And, the next time you find yourself in a tough medical situation and you’re in a hospital or a clinic & you’ve got amazing care-givers, I give you permission to “hug a nurse” for me! Take the time to thank them for the care they’re giving to you or your loved one. They’ve got a challenging job. Keep them in your prayers as well.

(--The full Hospital photo album & all Elena's updates are on my Facebook page.)

Thank you!

Noble (

“The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” –God

“Preach the Word at all times, and if necessary, use words.” --St. Francis of Assissi


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